Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Doctor Visits

So i decided to go with Dr. Morales & Dr. Hall!

January 19, 2011
My first appointment & ultrasound

The office is nice & very comfortable which is helpful for someone like me that is paranoid about doctors offices in the first
Dr. Morales was the first one i got to meet along with his nurse who is great!
He is very helpful by answering questions of a first timer. He was very talkative & funny which also helped my nerves a good bit. After he did my first ultrasound & figured how far along I was (11 weeks & 4 days to be exact) I really started to get excited about having a baby, I am due August 6!
My mom went with me to my first appointment since Keifer wasnt able to because he was in school. I was sad he couldnt be there but very thankful that my mom was able to go! She took the day off work so we went to the doctor, then got lunch & just had a nice day together.

ultrasound #1
(Baby Stidam)

the day after my first doctors appointment
11 weeks & 5 days

Febuary 17, 2011
My second appointment & ultrasound

My second appointment my mom ended up going with me again because Keifer started his new job at the prison. Dr. Hall was the one working that day & he is just as great as Dr. Morales.. My mom & I are very happy with both doctors! I got to see my 2nd ultrasound & he checked to see if he could tell the sex of the baby yet but no luck because the lil stinker was upside down & had it's legs crossed! Which Im glad we couldnt tell yet because I REALLY want Keifer to be there when we find out what we are having.
March 16 is my next appointment & Keifer will have his schedule by then & he will be able to go with me which makes me as happy as I could possibly be!


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